Edit Options

The edit options are:

Restore the most recently deleted text.

This is not a full undo option, since it does not reverse the effect of format changes. Use the Plain option to do this.

Remove any formatting attributes applied to the selected text.

If you have applied more than one format change to the selected text, this option removes them all. You must then reapply the format attributes you wish to keep.

Click this option to apply the bold face attribute to the selected text.

Click this option to apply the italic attribute to the selected text.

Click this option to switch the selected text to a fixed font (that is, a mono-width, or non-proportional font).

Click this option to underline the select text.

Click this option to increase the size of the selected text. (Font size increments are governed by the font sizes available on the recipient's system.)

Click this option to decrease the size of the selected text. (Font size increments are governed by the font sizes available on the recipient's system.)

Justify Left
Click this option to left-justify the selected text.

Justify Right
Click this option to right-justify the selected text.

Justify Both
Click this option to both left-justify and right-justify the selected text, also known as full justification.

The Ishmail editor does not show full justification, rather it looks like left justification. But, the attribute is imbedded in the message. Depending on the recipient's mail tool, this may or may not be displayed correctly. Ishmail can print fully justified text correctly.

Click this option to center the selected text.

Click this option to mark that the selected text should be displayed without any formatting, justification, word wrapping, or indentation applied.

Excerpt More
An excerpt is a fragment of another message that you are including in your composition. Typically, excerpts are indented with some type of prefix character at the left margin. Using the MIME excerpt tag, a block of text can be marked as an excerpt. Ishmail will show an excerpt as indented text with a prefix character at the left margin (see Reply/Forward Preferences) to define the prefix for excerpts). The benefit of using the excerpt tag is that Ishmail will automatically handle word wrapping and justification within an excerpt, and also allow nested excerpts.

Click this option to mark the selected block of text as an excerpt. If the selected text is already within an excerpt, its nesting level is increased.

Excerpt Less
Click this option to remove the excerpt attribute from the selected block of text. If the text contains nested excerpts, the nesting level is decreased.

Indent Left More
Click this option to indent the selected text from the left margin. If the text is already indented, it will be indented more. In the Composition window, the text is moved 32 pixels at a time. When the text is printed, the increment is 36 points (.5 inch).

Indent Left Less
Click this option to remove one level of indenting from the left margin. The change is applied to the selected text. If already at the left margin, this option has no effect.

Indent Right More
Click this option to indent the selected text from the right margin. If the text is already indented, it will be indented more. In the Composition window, the text is moved 32 pixels at a time. When the text is printed, the increment is 36 points (.5 inch).

Indent Right Less
Click this option to remove one level of indenting from the right margin. The change is applied to the selected text. If already at the right margin, this option has no effect.


  1. The Superscript and Subscript options, supported in earlier Ishmail versions, are no longer used since they were dropped from the MIME Enriched Text specification.

  2. The Character Set option, supported in earlier Ishmail versions, has been removed. Instead, use the Outgoing Mail Preferences option to set the character set. Formerly, the character set could be changed inside the message text but this ability was dropped from the MIME Enriched Text specification.

Preceding Section: Composition Edit Menu
Following Section: Composition Options Menu
Parent Section: Composition Edit Menu
Contents of Ishmail User's Guide