The Icons ... option is similar to the Alerts ... option in that it alerts you when certain incoming mail arrives. Alert icons are user-specified pixmaps that are displayed in place of the standard Ishmail mailbox icon when incoming mail arrives.
You specify a string pattern for each pixmap defined. When mail arrives the headers are scanned for a match with the patterns. When a match is detected the associated pixmap is displayed, if Ishmail is iconified or if you have an icon box that displays the Ishmail icon when the program is running.
To add or insert new alert icons, and to modify or delete existing alert icons, click the Icons ... option. The Alert Icons window appears.
The Alert Icons window shows the list of current string patterns and associated pixmaps in a box containing two text fields - the Pattern name field and the associated Pixmap field. (If no alert icons have been defined, both fields are empty.)
The pattern is evaluated as a regular expression, as defined by the UNIX ed command.
You use the four buttons to the left of the text fields to:
When you click the New ..., Insert ..., or Edit ... buttons, the Edit Icon Rule window appears. It contains text fields in which you can create or modify an alert icon.
To create a new alert icon:
To insert an alert icon:
To edit an alert icon:
To delete one or more alert icons:
A pop-up confirmation box prompts you for confirmation before completing the operation.
Apply or cancel your changes using the row of buttons across the bottom of the window. See Applying Your Changes.