The Buttons ... option enables you to select a large number of shortcut function buttons to display in Ishmail's primary windows-Main window, Composition window, Reading window, and Comment on Application window. These buttons help streamline your use of the mail interface. Instead of possibly navigating through several menu layers to get to the function you want to perform, you simply click the associated shortcut button.
You can specify the location of shortcut buttons by selecting options in the Button placement section at the bottom of the Edit Custom Buttons window.
To specify shortcut buttons, click the Buttons ... option. The Edit Custom Buttons window appears.
The Edit Custom Buttons selections are arranged in two lists as follows:
To create (activate) a button:
Or, use the middle mouse button to drag the highlighted names and drop them into the Selected buttons list.
Buttons can be placed either vertically outside the left or right margin of the Ishmail window, or horizontally above or below the top or bottom margin of the Ishmail window. The radio buttons North, South, West, and East enable you to specify the placement of shortcut buttons.
To specify the placement of shortcut buttons, click the radio button in the Button placement window that corresponds to the area in the window in which you want the shortcut buttons to be placed. Selecting West would place shortcut buttons at left in the window; selecting South would place buttons at the bottom of the window, and so forth.
If the Make all buttons the same size selection box is activated, all buttons will be made wide enough to accommodate the widest button label.
Ishmail automatically chooses the appropriate number of columns or rows required to display the buttons, depending on the size of the window.
You can specify your own labels for the buttons. In fact, you are encouraged to do so. The button names are inappropriate for button labels since they tend to be very long. Button labels should be short, descriptive names.
To specify the label for a button, double-click on the name in the Selected buttons list. The "Edit Button Window" is displayed.
The Edit Button window shows the button name in the Button field, and has two text fields you can modify.
Apply or cancel your changes using the row of buttons across the bottom of the window. See Applying Your Changes.